Yeah, but…

There are certain words I try not to use.  I’m not always successful, because sometimes they are exactly the words you need to say.  Like when you stub your toe or bang your funny bone:  it’s not in the least bit funny and the only word that will suffice has four letters beginning with “F”and is yelled at the top of your voice several times!

I’m 68 and grew up in an era where many women didn’t even know the meaning of such words, and most men would not dream of using them in front of a lady.  I recall my parents’ response when I used the word ‘bugger’.  I was dragged off to the kitchen and my mouth was washed out with soap and then my dad told me exactly what that word means.  It was way too graphic for my young and innocent mind, and some 50-odd years later when that was the key word in an Australian TV advertisement I was still shocked!

Some of the other words I try not to use may seem a lot more innocent on the surface, but to me they are words of deep meaning that have been trivialised by modern society.  Words like Love and Hate are pretty obvious.  For me, saying something like “I love that song,” or “I love the taste of avocado,” bears absolutely no resemblance to telling your partner, your parents, or your child that you love them. 

Hate is another such word.  It is a powerful, very low-frequency word yet we use it in such a throw-away manner: “I hate these shoes,” or “I hate the rain.”   I prefer to keep such words tucked away out of sight or sound until I really do need to express that.  So far I have never found anything that is worthy of such all-encompassing passion.

I’m in the process of getting my fourth book ready for publishing and, not for the first time when I am editing, I’ve recognised my roots in the North of England and Australia.  I have a major habit of starting sentences with So, But and And.  And when I am talking, my speech is peppered with “Yeah, but”.

It was really interesting to discover that the most negative word in the English language (or so Mr Google tells me) isn’t something like bad swear words, or strong descriptive words like ‘hate’,  it’s that simple little three-lettered word we all use all day long… ‘but’.

Yes, the most negative word we have is ‘but’.  Almost every time we use it, we are taking something potentially positive and hopeful, and essentially pulling the rug out from under it. For example:

  • I’m trying to get tickets for such-and-such a show, but they are selling like hot-cakes. 
  • I hope I can fit into that dress, I really love it, but I know I’m probably the wrong body shape.
  • I really want that promotion at work, but I know that the person in charge doesn’t like me.

We hope for something, we wish for something, we work towards something and then we limit ourselves with that tiny little word: but.

We know that everything is energy, including our words and our thoughts, and we are taught that we should be careful of the words we use that can pull our energy frequency down and undermine our growth.  When we think of such things, we tend to think of those harsher words such as ‘hate,’ and the various swear words that are so common nowadays as being the carriers of low-frequency energy…  and then we discover that one of the most simple of words is probably doing more to put you in a negative energy than almost any of the swear words we use so freely.


How weird is that?


Curiosities #5

A couple of weeks ago I wrote an article  called “Cycles” where I mentioned that I could feel the rising energy of a return of one of my cycles – one that was set to be a humdinger at the same intensity of what I call my “Initial Spiritual Awakening.”  These particular cycles in my life occur at regular intervals and every single time they are dramatic, traumatic, and life-changing.  And I wasn’t wrong – it was all these things.

There wasn’t any one thing that tripped me over into a huge meltdown, it was, rather, the combination of a whole heap of intense and emotionally traumatic events that together brought right to the front, all my deep-seated fears.

There was a lot involved:  potentially my lease would not be renewed and I’d not have anywhere to go (that is a major insecurity/fear for me); my housemate moving out had left me without transport in a town where there is no public transport, and the full financial load of the rent.  And I am waiting for some pretty serious surgery that should help reduce the chronic pain I have lived with for decades.  That was just the tip of the iceberg.  I was also at a crisis point in my spiritual journey.  Did I even want to continue or should I just pull my head in and forget the whole lot.  Yes, I got so bad I was planning how to leave this life.  This is also a part of this tough cycle, and is never something I would seriously consider – it’s more of a guideline of how much I am struggling.

BUT  I had support.  My spiritual teacher, Essence Ka tha’ras, was there with me.  She lives on the other side of the world to me, but with the awesomeness of technology, she talked with me for hours; sat with me through my tears, and helped me find a path through to the other side.  This person who I know primarily as a voice in my head (courtesy of Bluetooth), was my anchor to reality. 

The whole thing was over in a few days, and those days felt like years.  But, for the first time in decades of these cycles, I had understood that I was heading towards that meltdown, and this was also the first time where I knew that I am autistic – and that these things happen.  Autistic people get majorly overwhelmed, but this time I learned that the world will not end even if it feels like it will.

Like many of the hard things in life, when we have a better understanding, we actually are able to draw upon the tools that can help us.  This was the first time I have been able to do that.  Previously the fallout of such a meltdown could last months, simply because I didn’t know how to clamber out the other side.

Now, a few weeks out the other end of that event, I can look back and see what has transpired, and there is so much abundance.  My lease has been renewed and I find that I can afford to have this house just to myself – which is something I have been seeking for a long time.  I have so many friends who have come forward with offers to help with transport or anything else I might need.  My surgery is scheduled, but not for another year which gives me time to focus on getting into much better health. 

I seriously considered not studying any further on my spiritual journey and just staying where I am, but there is a driving force I recognise that tells me that I need to carry on – but perhaps a bit slower and with a change of focus.  That is all coming into place.

So why do I tell you all this personal stuff?  Because it is good to remember that however dark the world may seem at times, the darkness can be pushed back with light.  Light, for me, is represented by Hope, Acceptance, Belief, Compassion, Love; and as I look around myself, in the aftermath of my personal storm, I see all these things, and they are all aspects of Peace.

The hard times are just as important as the easier times.  Without them we would not understand just how many blessings we actually hold.


Curiosities #4

We talk of love making the world go around.  We talk of our world being a much better place of peace and understanding if only we could love each other.  To these thoughts I agree – but I also disagree.

I’ve been talking with my Teacher, Essence Ka tha’ras, about love.  She has been contemplating this and has come to the realisation that we humans think that love is an emotion.  It’s something we feel.  It’s something that we expect to feel in our lives.  But, as Essence has realised, love is not an emotion, it’s not just something that we feel in our hearts but rather it is an action.  Love is not shown by the rapid beating of our hearts and our sexuality, it is shown in very practical ways – by helping others, by being there for others.  It is the the things that we DO for each other that are the true measure of love.  Humans right now are mainly focused on the feelings we seek or even evoke rather than focusing on the things we can DO that shows our care and understanding.  Love is the hug; the making a phone call and saying Hi, how are you?  I’m here if you need to talk.  Love is making sure that the car has fuel in it when your partner has a long trip the next day.  Love is making sure that the family is fed and has clean clothes.  Love is trudging out to a job you hate, so that you know that your family has a roof over their heads and food in the fridge.

Love truly is the source of human life on this planet – but not the overly romanticised emotions that we have come to understand as love, but in the myriad little actions we do each and every day.  It’s taken me about 40 years to understand what my first husband meant when I was very upset at what appeared to be a distinct lack of caring from him.  I accused him of not loving me or our daughter.  He’d not ever bought me flowers.  His answer caused me so much anger.  He said, “Of course I love you – I do the ironing don’t I?”  I was seeking the hearts and roses that commercialism has taught us for decades is how love is shown. 

Last year I spent some time in therapy.  Emotionally, I have been in a rocky boat for many years and I finally got into a position where I could consult a professional for assistance.  I was shocked when her testing showed that I had no understanding of emotions other than fear.  How could that be when all I seem to do is burst into tears.  I’m filled with emotions.  I’m drowning in emotions.  Surely that is showing that I know what some emotions at least look like?  But no, apparently I have locked down my emotions so very tightly and when I cry it is like a pressure release valve.  Without that I am likely to blow like Vesuvius.  That is something to be fearful of, for sure!  It’s also something I came so very close to doing just yesterday.

Now with Essence’s initial contemplation and my personal follow-through, I am starting to understand that it’s not that I don’t understand that emotion called Love, it’s that we humans have the wrong idea of what love is.  To use Essence’s words “Love is not an emotion.  It is an action.”

So how did we get here?  In the same way that so many people travel nowadays – on the back of consumerism.  We truly believe that love is best expressed with displays of sunsets and roses, with unasked-for gifts and intimate dinners.

We all need to take time to evaluate what we think love is and maybe start the journey to a different understanding.  You may find that you are very happy with how love expresses itself in your life, but for me, that different understanding has shown me a way to heal many of the hurts in my life. 

And all through this ramble, I have only talked of love of others or by others. What about love of Self? We so often forget to show ourselves that love. 

Here is a challenge for this week.  Find a task that you do every day.  An ordinary task like taking a shower or cooking a meal and instead of just doing the task, think of it as an expression of love.  Love for you and those around you.


Animal Medicine #12

There’s a 94% genetic similarity between human and baboon, and as I began my research for this article I had the rather humorous thought that the other 6% is probably related to the amount of hair that one or the other of these species carries!  Certainly it was a common joke in my family that my dad was descended from apes!

It is very possible to see our humanity in this magnificent animal.  He is a social creature who takes family – and especially parenting and defending against danger – very seriously.  He is filled with curiosity; and enjoys the challenge of learning and exploring new things. 

When baboon comes into your field, you need to have a good look at what is happening within your personal life and in the world around you.  There could be something that is pulling you beyond your comfort zone.  Take care not to be carried away.  Stay grounded and take time to seek your place of sanctuary within meditation.  That place of peace and security is exactly the right place to be within as you look at what is happening in your life that need to be resolved.

Baboon will help you.  He is comfortable in any situation and is not afraid to show his emotions.   Baboon will cry loudly when needed and doesn’t care who is watching.  Sometimes that can be the most courageous thing you can do. 

Baboon is considered as the being who holds the greatest wisdom in the animal kingdom, and his message is for us to always be responsible for our choices in life.  Our choices and the actions we take are the very things that shape our lives.  Be aware of how much you share with others and remember that you might be judged by these things.  Don’t be afraid to let your personality and love of family shine out, and remember that there is strength in allowing others to see your emotions.


Journey #10

In this spiritual belief system we often talk about Unconditional Love.  What, exactly, does that look like?  We can make up all kinds of stories about how it means that it doesn’t matter what the person is doing, looks like, says etc. – you love them anyway.  You might say that it means that even if they do wrong, you will always love them anyway.  That it is a love that holds no boundaries.  That they fill your heart so much you barely know what to do with that love. 

Whatever story you use to describe Unconditional Love, you only have to have a dog in your life to know exactly what Unconditional Love looks like.  It looks like a dog. 

They follow you.  You are their WORLD.  They’d jump in front of a bus for you.  They miss you when you are gone – and they welcome you home as if you are the prodigal son returned – even if you’ve only been outside to the mailbox!  They turn those doleful eyes at you when you are eating and they are not.  “Honest…  I know I ate 20 minutes ago but I really am starving,” they seem to say.  You know they are saying this because you can hear them telepathically.

They sleep in your bed and snore and fart run in their sleep and take up far too much room for their size.  They make you go walk in the rain when you’d really rather stay home and dry.  They romp through the grass, or the water, or the sand with an amazing zest for life…  and bring all the debris home with them that they have collected in their fur.  They drool, all your clothes and most of your furniture are decorated with dog hair – which blocks up the vacuum.  They know which are your favourite shoes because they smell so strongly of you that they simply cannot – just cannot – not chew them because it makes them feel closer to you when you are not there.

You look at your dog – and you smile.  Your heart is filled to capacity.  You are joined, mentally, emotionally, spiritually.  You look into your dog’s eyes, and you see all your love returned ten-fold.

THAT, in the eyes of dog is, to my mind, Unconditional Love. 

That is what we need to be able to feel for our entire planet and every being upon her.  Human or otherwise. 

Loving Thoughts

Journey #7

“Serendipity.” Isn’t that a wonderful word?   

Just prior to settling down to writing this Journey I had been thinking of a number of people in my life, and I decided to draw for myself an Oracle card as a way to get focus about today’s writing.  That card was titled “Thinking of You.”

Thinking of the people in my life that I am not constantly interacting with, doesn’t happen too often.  It’s one of the effects of having SDAM (Severely Deficient Autobiographical Memory).  When people, places, or memories are not right in front of me, they just don’t exist, which can, to those others, make the person with SDAM seem as if they are uncaring.  Nothing is further than the truth, we care deeply – once we remember. 

When we do remember, it is like a lightbulb going on.  It’s beautiful. It’s like the sun shining through a break in the clouds.   All that hidden caring comes up to the surface, and if we are lucky we can remember certain times.  Of course, that gets even tricker for those folk who also have aphantasia or prosopagnosia – we don’t have pictures in our minds to remind us of you.

What the serendipity of the appearance of this particular oracle card brings for me on the Journey, is to ask that you sit down and think of those you know and love – and those you have known and loved.  Think of the wonderful times you shared, the love and the laughter and if you are so inclined – why not reach out and say hello.  Just because. 

Bring some sunshine into your life and into someone else’s. 

Making Changes

Photo: Oscar Keys – Unsplash

There is a lot of conversation going on about sexual abuse.  It is a topic that has been swept under the carpet for millennia.  There are good men in this world, so I am told, and I personally know quite a few, but men can be considered “good men” and still denigrate women.  Men can abuse, rape, beat and control women and still be considered a “good man” in a world that is still dominated by Patriarchy.

It almost seems ridiculous that women in this 21st Century still need to be careful of what they wear; who cannot walk down the street after dark by themselves; who can’t take a stroll through the park; who have to let people know where they are going and call them when they get there in order to ensure their safety.  We are still in a world where a woman walking down a street during the day has to deal with a minefield of avoidance – catcalls, whistles, comments, men following, walking too close, ‘accidently’ touching inappropriately.  And men thinking it’s OK, women thinking it’s normal – to be expected. Normal. 

We live in a culture where men blame the woman’s choice of clothes for their actions.  Do men really not understand just how pitiful that argument is?  Really?  You guys are so unable to control your Self?  I’m sorry.  That one just doesn’t hold up any more.  And neither do any of the other excuses.

I recently learned of sexual abuse happening very close to home.  A number of women have recently told me of abuse in their lives.  Emotional abuse, sexual abuse, rape.  Even though I haven’t escaped this, it still rocked my world.  I started to talk a little more openly about it with my friends.  I don’t think I have a single woman friend who has not been abused in some manner.  The official figure is that 1 in 3 women is sexually abused.  That figure is a million times too high, but only covers physical sexual abuse. What about the rest? In my corner of the world – a modern First World country – every single woman I know has suffered sexual abuse of some kind.  It’s just not good enough.

So what is happening on an Energetic level?  Why is this coming to the surface right now?  In this case, the Energy is very strong and several of my friends have been affected over the last few months.  I am starting to see many, many more people finding that experiences from their past are re-surfacing.  In some cases it’s experiences of their ancestors’ lives that are being discovered and affecting the the lives of those living today. 

In late 2019 I was told that each individual’s Karma, of a specific Energy, was going to start to come up to be cleared and that it was essential that we started to work on this.  I was told that if we ignored this call it was likely that it would be brought up-front-and-forward and unable to be avoided.  This is one of those things. 

What is this Karmic Imbalance that needs so desperately to be cleared?  I’ve mentioned it before – it’s the 17/8 ATKI.  Atlantean Technology Karmic Imbalance.  This is the Energy that brought down Rome, that is building to bring down the USA.  The Priesthood of Atlantis misused their power.  They appropriated wealth; mis-used technology that could have brought benefit to their society; messed with human DNA…..   does this sound familiar?

So how do we deal with this?  We start with each individual

So many people – especially those who call themselves Lightworkers or Starseeds – fell into the trap in the last year or so, of thinking change could happen by making a lot of noise.  Much Energy was put into the world, under the guise of raising awareness, of recognising the many things that are wrong in our society.  Racism and sexual abuse of all kinds are only two such topics.  Anger and fear grew.  Violence took to the streets. 

Not Ever has violence and war and bloodshed, fear and anger, ever brought Peace to the world.  If these things brought about Peace, Compassion, Love, Understanding and Acceptance we’d have been living in our Golden Age for a long time already. 

Krone Auri’An

This is how change really starts. With the lone voice of a boy – a young man standing up to give a speech at his school. With a new generation quietly and effectively refusing to follow the same path as their older generation. Nothing is going to change whilst the abusive culture is still ‘acceptable,’ ‘normal.’  We need to educate our young people to see that there is a different way.

Will it happen quickly that way? No. It won’t, although we can get thereeventually if we stop making noise and trying to do it all right now.  In this lifetime.

We can get there if we teach our young ones that Respect above all else is important. We can get there if we can understand and work towards a generational change.  There is a reason that many indigenous cultures talk about Seven Generations.  We need to work on this in a way that teaches our young ones what is not acceptable – and what is.

Please watch this speech given by a young man at one of Brisbane’s prestigious private schools. I believe he is someone worth watching. 

This is how we start.

Gy’ Shé em

Krone Auri’An

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Love, Light and Other Fluff

I’m sure you’ve worked it out by now that the way in which humans communicate with each other is something that I’m pretty intrigued with.  I wouldn’t go so far as to say that I am passionate about it, and I’m certainly no expert in language use, but I have been writing and talking about the Energy of words and the way that we communicate by using them, for years – specifically about how those who consider themselves to be Spiritual: Lightworkers, Starseeds, or whatever other name you prefer – and about how they communicate and interact with each other. 

I’ve spoken many times about the Energy held within everyday words and how when those words are not spoken in the highest sense, how that Energy can personally affect YOU, how the words that you use can pull you down; how they can limit your potential to excel.  To grow.  And this effect is not just in the spiritual realms – it also affects everyday life. 

I spoke on this topic again in the International Koalition of Krones Zoom Chat on 13th November 2020, but that time it was about how our word choices, and the syntax and cadence that we use, can actually cause Energetic Harm to others – and that harm can even happen unintentionally because we are careless and we speak without consideration of the meaning and the effects of certain words.

Humans are poised to evolve.

It’s not the first time we’ve changed and grown, and it probably won’t be the last time.  But this time?  This time we get the opportunity to consciously choose which direction, which timeline, we will travel.  We get to choose what we want it to look like.  And that choice happens through the Energy held by the majority of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity.

There is so much opportunity right now, at this point in linear time, at this crux-point we are currently in.  So much opportunity to make the right choice.  We know this.  In our physical world it is so obvious.  We are at a place in our reality where humans are able to make a choice about the future of humanity; a choice about which path we are going to choose – and that choice will eventually affect the future of all Beings on this planet, not just humans, but every Being on Earth.  And because we are choosing OUR future, and because humanity WILL go Galactic in that future, our choices now will affect so much that lies way beyond this place we call home.  The choices we are making right now, both individually and collectively, are so important because they will affect everything for the next 13,000 years. 

And the only way that we can work out what those choices should look like is to communicate with each other.  And to be quite honest, I think we are doing a pretty rotten job.  Those who promote the fear and anger that has been sweeping this planet for so many years and which has become extreme in the last few months – they are talking the loudest.  Their words don’t always make sense, but they say it loudly and with conviction.  And humans have a history of listening to those who talk the loudest, regardless of whether what they are saying is Truth or not.

Communication is the first stage of the Conscious Evolution of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity. 

Starseed and Lightworkers are here at this point in linear time to maintain the Energy, to hold space so that humanity can grow and work things out in the way that they most desire as a Collective.  Everyone on this path should be really aware of the words they use and how they use them.  We are responsible for consciously leading the way into clear communication. We hold the Energy and we absolutely must do everything we can to hold it at the highest frequency we can. 

And that leads me into something I want to talk about – about how we, the Spiritual Community, especially in the Western world, have taken Sacred words and Blessings, often from other cultures, and made them into everyday phrases. 

I want to talk about how we, the Spiritual Community, use words of great Power in exactly the same way as we yell “Bye, see ya later.”  I want to discuss how we finish an email, not with ‘Best wishes,” or ‘Yours faithfully,’ but with a Sacred Blessing.  And there is nothing wrong with that, nothing wrong with that at all provided that Blessing is given consciously and with knowledge.

We, especially those of us within a Western society have appropriated Sacred Words from other cultures and we’ve bastardised them.  When we are writing a salutation at the end of a letter or a post, most of us wouldn’t dream of using the words “ By the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God…” So why do we use “Namaste”?

I’m guilty.  I’m guilty of using such words without, each time, considering the deeper meaning of the words I’m using.

So let’s think about the meaning of that word – Namaste.  I Bow to You.  On the surface it seems like a pretty good salutation and nowadays, it’s mainly that way, but let’s dig a bit deeper.  I Bow to You.  It means that you hold deep respect for the other person.  That you know them, that you honour them and that you also understand, because we are all One, that in honouring and respecting them you too are being honoured and respected.  How often, when you use that word, do you take time to think of the acknowledgement you are making in understanding one of the deeper Truths of the Universe?

Then again, the Oxford English Dictionary simply says that it means “Hello.”

Food for thought.

Another Sacred phrase that we use incorrectly, also stolen from another culture – in this case the Mayan – is “In Lak’ech ala kin”   Now I do know a number of people who do use this phrase in full awareness of the deeper meaning of the words, and I don’t see it over used in the same way as Namaste has been.  And that is a good thing. In Lak’ech literally means “I am another you.” Like Namaste this phrase is talking of the deeper Truths of the Universe – I don’t exist without you and you don’t exist without me.  If you were not here, I wouldn’t be here either – and thinking about that can take you on a very long, and interesting journey seeking that deeper knowledge.

When I was first starting out on my Spiritual journey, when I first heard of that phrase and it’s meaning, I thought it was really cool and I used it all over.  Until I started to delve into that deeper meaning and realised my casual use was both disrespectful to the culture and to the deeper truth of the words.

And that brings me to the final phrase I want to discuss today.  A phrase that is so mis-used and over-used that just to hear it makes my toes curl!  It no longer carries the Energy it should.  That it once did.

But first, before I tell you what this phrase is, I’ll tell you what it means to me.  My interpretation.

I am the Light of Creation. 

I am the light first seen at the beginning of the linear time of our reality. 

I draw that light into my Being so that I can be a beacon to guide and aid those who struggle in darkness.

I humbly bring that Light into the Service of All.  

I am merely a conduit. 

A conduit in Service to the Energy and Knowledge of the Universe. 

I Bless you with the frequencies of Creation and Wisdom and Love. 

When I say this, my interpretation of this phrase, I feel the Energy.  I feel it building in my hands and my heart, in all my Chakras.  I feel the Energy of being in Service, I feel humbled and I feel the commitment I have made to this Journey, to the Collective.  And when all that Energy, all that is bundled, mainly without thought, into  “Love and Light” delivered in an off-hand, throw-away manner, is it any wonder that I cringe?

Now, don’t misunderstand me – I’m not in anyway saying that there is anything wrong in using those phrases.  There is nothing wrong with using Namaste, In Lak’ech, Love and Light, Gy’ Shé em, KaRa Ounz Chez Prana, OM AkArapariNAma Anadaham and more.  But please, feel the power of the words.  Understand the depth of the words.  Feel the Blessing within the words.  And then use them in Honour of the Knowledge and the Wisdom and the Power of these phrases.

We who are Starseed, Lightworkers or whatever other term you prefer, we are the ones who should be leading the way for the Conscious Evolution of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity.  And the first step is to become aware of the power that we hold in the words that we use.  And we should use them wisely.  Yes, we all stumble and make mistakes, we speak through a human filter but we have also become complacent. We are de-sensitised.  We are losing the deeper Truths, the deeper knowledge and wisdom in favour of fluff.

Gy Shé em


International Koalition of Krones

This blog post is an extract from the Zoom Chat held by the International Koalition of Krones on 13th November 2020. You can access the recording here.


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It fascinates me, watching the ripples that move through humanity.  How the action of one person or one small event can set off a cascade of responses reaching wider and wider.

The first time I noticed this effect was when my first husband died.  I’d nursed him through his illness and some family members had given me so much love and support, taking on the little things such as cleaning the house and running errands, so that I was free to look after Ian.  This love and care is what formed the first Ripple Event that I noticed.

One of my Sister-in-Laws had read a newspaper article on a spate of home break-ins that were targeting the homes of those who were grieving.  These low-life folk were entering the homes whilst the family were at the funeral.  My SIL was worried, so she called upon a friend to ‘house-sit’ for the few hours we were away in order to farewell my husband.  The friend was very happy to help but had to make some arrangements to get her children picked up from school and looked after – so she called another friend.  That friend was also very happy to help, but she too had to change her plans…..  and so the ripple spread out formed from the Love and Care of one person.  I have no idea how far those ripples spread in order for me to feel safe that my home would not be attacked during the funeral, but I will always be grateful for these unknown and unsung heros.

That was over 20 years ago and I have remained aware and fascinated by this Ripple Effect.  It mainly tends to work quietly in the background – people helping people helping people – but sometimes it can also cause tsunamis of pain.

I know of a person who was in deep pain.  She kept the pain bottled up and never actually told the person who was inadvertently and unknowingly causing that pain.  Eventually it all became too much to contain and she closed all avenues of contact, even moving to a new town.  It was her choice, her way of dealing with something she needed to stop, but the ripples from this event are huge.  They spread out first to the person who was causing the pain.  Remember – that person was totally unaware they were the cause of any form of anguish and indeed has no idea what they did to cause such pain.  Being told of this would have been a shock but nothing like the pain of being discarded and blocked from her family.  She is still unaware of what caused the person to cut her off, and that causes her to now live in pain.   Some would call it Karma – you cause pain, you receive pain and I’d absolutely agree except that surely, this could have been healed by talking.  And so the ripples moved out.

In trying to explain that she really wants to resolve this, in trying to understand the cause behind this person’s actions, those ripples have gained momentum and spread out to other family members, causing huge arguments and rifts and the separation of grandchildren from grandparents.  Those family members then are more emotionally invested in this than before – and the ripples spread outwards.  Such a sad situation.  The pain one person kept hidden has now affected many.

I watched this Ripple Effect at play in my life yesterday.  I have a friend who was recalled to hospital after being discharged a few days ago.  A “get back here now, we’ve found something that needs checking out” type of call that must have sent waves of shock and worry through my friend.  She asked if I would drive her into the hospital.  There is no way that I wouldn’t help out, but I was up to my eyeballs in a business audit.  To take my friend to hospital I had to ask the assistance of 3 other people who all responded to immediately help out.  Their plans also had to change spreading those ripples.

So what are these ripples?  They are Energy.  Everything is Energy, we all know this, but this is Energy made visible through the actions of humanity.  Who knows how far those ripples spread before they peter out.  Do they ever peter out?  Perhaps they join with other, similar ripples affecting a deeper change in society?

From what I have observed, the ripples caused by pain and fear are huge and spread out so very easily – humans are conditioned to respond to fear.  It’s a survival trait.  But nowadays our fear is not from the chance meeting with a Sabre Toothed Tiger, but it’s on every billboard, on every TV programme, in every magazine and plastered right through social media.  We live in a bath of fear with tsunami ripples going every which way.

But we have the opportunity to choose.  Right now, at this point in the growth of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity, we can make a difference.  We can choose not to stir up or spread those ripples with a basis of fear.  We can choose to spread the slow, constant, smooth and gentle ripples formed by actions coming from Love and Care.

How do we do this?  We consider our every action and the effect it will have on our family, friends and neighbours.  Will this action cause tsunami ripples or gentle ripples?  Can I take potential tsunami and calm it?  Will this action stir up waves needlessly.  Do I need to send out tsunami waves to affect a positive change or will constant gentle actions ultimately bring a better result?

Considering your actions, being aware of what is best for you is good – but be also aware of the Ripple Effect and choose wisely.  Each choice you make affects far more than just you.

Gy’ Shé em

Sue Thomson

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Home Alone

niklas-hamann-418782-unsplashSome days are hard.

Christmas is one of those days for me. It is a day filled with loss and aloneness.  This year was especially hard and I am disappointed in myself.

I don’t “do” Christmas and this year Spirit has guided me into understanding more about why this is.  In fact, over the last few weeks, Spirit has shown me a low-frequency Energy that I carry around with me, and have done so for most of my life.  It is such a part of me that I haven’t recognised it. It’s been bottled up so tight for so long I simply don’t see it.  I see it in others, but not in Self and that has to change.  You can’t work to better yourself, to grow, if you don’t see the very thing you need to work at.  This low-frequency Energy is Anger.  I can talk another time about how that Anger grew, about why I haven’t recognised it, but that is a tale for another day.  It is enough right now that I have recognised that emotion.  It means I can now work to heal that pain.

I am normally a glass-half-full person.  Even in the bleakest times I can usually find something to be grateful for.  I can usually see beauty in the dullest of days.  But Christmas Day?  Man that is hard.  Especially when faced with Face Book.  All those families coming together in Joy and celebration.  It’s confusing.  I am so glad and happy that others can enjoy that closeness with family but I am also deeply saddened that I don’t have family around.  Normally I can deal with it, mainly because it’s usually just another working day for me.  This year, I had no work to do.  It’s my life choices that have brought me such a Christmas Day, but this year I wallowed.

Loss comes in many forms.  I emigrated from England to Australia and in doing so, lost the family Christmases of childhood.  Australian Christmas is in the middle of summer – that is something I can’t get my head around – so many of my Christmas traditions are lost also simply because of the heat.  I could have made new traditions, but didn’t really get the chance.  My husband passed from cancer not long after we arrived in Australia and his family made it clear – and they chose to do this at Christmas, the first one after he died – that we were outsiders.  Or rather, If I am being honest (and I need to be) one member of the family made it clear we were not a part of that family.  I think the others told themselves that it was best if they left us alone in our grief.  I couldn’t get past the hurt that was done to my daughter that day and it was from this point that I decided that I wouldn’t “do” Christmas any more.  You can kid yourself that you are fooling others into believing that not ‘doing’ Christmas is a choice against commercialism (and I don’t go for the religious stuff either) but I don’t think that many folk realise that for me it is a defensive thing.  If you don’t do it, it can’t hurt.  How screwed up is that?

More loss.  This year I lost a close family member.  We have some barriers to break through and it appears that she is not prepared to talk about them, to try to fix them.  I didn’t even know they existed, at the level they obviously do for her, until early December.  And this is the trigger for my despondency, but it also where I found my bottled up Anger.  It is reflected in my daughter.  I found it in my mother a few years ago.  I remember that I’ve seen it in my grandmother – and experienced it at her hand.  And if you look closely at the one picture I have of my Great Grandmother, it’s right there in her eyes too.  I hope my daughter can break that trait.  She has the strength.

But now, it’s Boxing Day.  The day where tradition says you can return unwanted gifts.  I return the gifts of loneliness and dismal introspection.  I think it may take longer to return the Anger – that is something I don’t want anymore, but it will take some work to loosen.  It was a horrible day, yesterday, but this morning I realise my glass is still half full.  I had been given the opportunity to review these losses.  Some are profound and can’t be changed, some can be worked on and hopefully overcome.  But my decision, yesterday, to wallow in that loss and anger was a choice I made.  Unknowingly, yes –  but still a choice.  Today I choose differently.

I have started the Energy work on this.  It is a Karmic Imbalance that needs to be brought back into balance.  And that is one of the reasons why I am here in this lifetime.  To balance Karmic Imbalance.  I do have help in this.  I need it.

I asked my sister to be an intermediary, and sent a letter to this hurting family member.  A bridge, I hope.  A place from which to grow a better understanding of each other.  As adults.

So I will stay away from Face Book for another day – I’m not quite ready to take Joy in other people’s happiness but I do not plan to allow another Christmas to knock me so low.  If next year it looks as if it will be a lonely day again, then I’ll do something about it.

So often we see meme’s about remembering those who are alone over Christmas.  My last 20 Christmases have been difficult, but this year I learned the depth of loneliness this day can bring.  I didn’t like myself as someone wallowing in pain.  That pain has been with me for those past 20 Christmases, but this is the first year that I have faced it.  For the next 20 Christmases I will seek ways to build new traditions.

The Knowledge of my Anger, Despondency, Aloneness – and my wallowing in such low-frequency emotions IS a gift.  A gift of deeper understanding that I can now take out into the world.

A Gift of Knowledge, given in this Era of New Beginnings and New Knowledge.  I will NOT be returning this particular Gift on this Boxing Day.  Knowledge is far too precious.  And the opportunity for New Beginnings is the best Gift of all.