
Animal Medicine #11

My Initial Conscious Spiritual Awakening started with the appearance of Turtle. 
I was meditating in a meadow, surrounded by mountains, trees, a trickling creek when an image was shown to me of a turtle.  But this one was a bit strange – it had eight legs! 

As I watched the turtle shell seemed to open up, like the iris over the lens of a camera, and the eight legs, the head and the tail morphed into 10 people, holding hands and dancing together in a circle.  Turtle is representative of our Mother Earth and she was offering me an opportunity to step onto my Spiritual Path. 

Almost all my guides in the first couple of years of my spiritual journey were animals and there were so many of them, that I called them my zoo.  Turtle was the very first member of my zoo. 

Since that time, so much has happened, including my gaining qualifications as an Holistic Counsellor and Meditation Therapist, and I mainly work with people who are suffering from anxiety, worry, stress and overwhelm. 

Overwhelm is a form of anxiety that we feel when things get really on top of us and we feel we simply can’t control our life or any aspect in it.  There is too much being asked of us and we just want to stick our head in the sand and wait for it all to go away.

That’s why Turtle has paid us a visit.  She is telling us that it’s OK to step back and take a pause when things get too much.  It doesn’t mean that you are abandoning whatever you are working on, it simply means that you need to reset.

Turtle has a calm and peaceful nature.  She avoids conflict by withdrawing – she just pulls her head in and closes out the world – just for a short while. 

But Turtle isn’t telling us that we should be hiding from the world and waiting for it all to pass.  We know that there really is no option but to be a part of the happenings right now and hiding away doesn’t serve anyone.  Turtle is a creature who knows about enduring, about being persistent, about being in this life for the long-haul.  Withdrawing from overwhelm for a short while is good only as long as you are using the time positively by working out what you want the outcome to be and what you can do to help achieve that outcome.  Be brave.  Let go of what you are carrying that is heavy – and MAN how many times has that one come up recently? 

Gain wisdom and strength as you review and reset.  Be ready.  When you emerge you’ll know where you want to go and you should be ready to grasp at opportunities that float by.  But don’t rush into things – if you jump in too hard and too fast you’ll make mistakes.

Turtle is a great navigator and drawing upon her Energy, her guidance, you will be able to find your way through.

Turtle is one of the Elder Animal Guides.  She holds Ancient Wisdom and a deep connection to Earth.  She says:  Stay grounded.  Stay strong.  Withdraw when you need to, remember that you need to look after you.  You are important in the lives all those you know and love.  But most of all, you must be important to you. 

So take time out when you need it, but remember to also take time to stick your head out of your shell and look around.  When life is hard, we forget how much beauty there is in the world around us, and how many blessings we hold in our hands.


Animal Medicine #10

I live in the Far North of Queensland in an area I call “The land of Cassowaries, Crocodiles and all kinds of bitey things.”  It is also a land of snakes.  Australia is home to 21 of the 25 most toxic snakes in the world, but we are all pretty aware of snake habitats (like your shoes if you leave them outside, or even in the filter box of your swimming pool) and we tend to leave them alone, giving them a wide and respectful berth until they can be safely captured and released away from human habitats.  In fact, we all co-exist fairly well and there are very few snake bite fatalities. 

Snake energy is worthy of much respect, being a creature that travels along the shadowed-line of balance between opposites – between positive and negative, beneficial and harmful.  She represents transformation, regeneration, self-confidence and strength.  She also represents deception, betrayal, and poisonous influence.  When snake crosses your path, it is time to sit up and take notice.

Snake represents our Life Force energy.  When she comes into your life, either in reality or in a dream, you can recognise that you are transitioning between one aspect of your journey and another.  Something is coming to an end and something new is forming.  If the journey has been, or is about to become, difficult, snake lets us know that this is a part of our growth journey and that you will navigate that part of your journey with strength.

Snake has long been associated with healing.  From the ancient Greeks through to our modern society, two snakes entwined around a rod is understood as a symbol of the medical professions. 

She is a primal, earthen energy that speaks of birth, re-birth and eternity.   The ouroboros – the snake eating its own tail – has been known from before the 13th century BC as an expression of the unity of all things material and spiritual; that all things continue through the cycles of destruction and re-creation.  The symbol I show next to my name on these readings was given to me by my Guides and  is an ancient variation of the ouroboros showing its connection to Earth.

Snake is powerful energy and only you can know if that energy refers to positive or negative aspects of your life.  Whichever that may be, you are about to enter, or are just moving forward from a period of transformation and regeneration.  Remember – snake represents our life force energy.  Take control wisely.

Think Positive

Journey #17

OK.  I get it.  It’s been a really bad day.  Nothing seems to have gone right.  You are annoyed, angry even; certainly frustrated, and just about ready to scream your head off, when ‘someone’ comes up to you, filled with false bonhomie, looks at you and says, in a ridiculously upbeat manner, “It’s all good.  Just think positive thoughts.”

And you?  Well.  That is like waving a red rag at a bull and you are about to send that ‘someone’ flying into the middle of next week!!!  HOW are you supposed to think positive thoughts when your world is collapsing around you!


We’ve all been there – I know I’ve had more than my fair share of that kind of day.  And week.  And month.  The longer that you sit in that really horrible, destructive energy, the harder it seems to be able to dig yourself out.

There are many ways you can get yourself out of that type of situation and my motto “Flip the fear.  Find the bling” came from one of the ways that I use.  I look for the little, tiny bit of sparkle in the situation – it’s always there.  Often hidden.  I often find it by looking at the absurdity of whatever it is.    Maybe you can see an element of humour?   For me, that reset often comes through being facetious.  For example, after dropping a full carton of eggs on the kitchen floor, and helplessly watching the dogs trail it through the room, I might stand there and ask everyone around me if they want an omelette for dinner! 

It’s about stopping; closing your eyes, and feeling into your body.  Feeling all the parts of you that are tense, recognising that sick feeling in your stomach, the lump in your throat.  And then re-setting your energy by taking a few deep breaths and imagining that breath travelling to all the bits that are out of sorts and soothing them into relaxing.

It is about recognising that you are strong – because if you were not, you’d have given up ages ago.  Me?  I look at the clouds.  They don’t give a stuff if I’ve had a bad day…   and who knows?  Maybe they’ll rain on that ‘someone’ who gave me that aggravating advice – “Think happy thoughts!”


Animal Medicine #9

When my daughter was young, our family would drive up to Scotland for short holidays and one of the highlights was seeing the Highland Cattle roaming over the Scottish hills.  My dad started a family tradition by telling my daughter that Highland cows are very different to gentle English cows.  They are much stronger and tougher because they live in harder places and as a result they don’t make milk.  They have to make something so much stronger than milk.  These cows are Yogurt Cows.

Forever in my mind will Highland cows be known as Yogurt cows.

Milk cows also hold that strength of yogurt cows, even though they can seem gentle and placid in the field as they chew on the cud.  They remind us to move gently through life – there are some things worth fighting for but there are other ways to achieve goals than through violence and the harming of others.  Remain in balance, nurture your dreams, be persistent, but also consider all angles in order to ensure that no other being is hurt in your rush to achieve these.

In some societies, the cow is held as a sacred symbol of life and should be protected and revered.  She is a symbol of motherhood, nurturing and continuity.  She is connected to the energies of Earth and that of Creation and allows us to see the way towards fulfilment of purpose and abundance.

Cow reminds us to be aware of the needs of others, of supporting our community by being an active member.  It is important to remember that a community cannot flourish without each member playing their part in its growth.  In human terms that means getting out into your community and getting involved in some way that aids the welfare of everyone.  Give without expectation of receiving, yet at the same time, don’t forget that you too are an important member of that community.  Stay grounded – look after you too.   

Blissful Moments

Journey # 16

Feelings of bliss can come upon us out of the blue – like when you give that special someone in your life a hug and they hug you right back as if they don’t ever want to step away again.  When you sink into that…  it’s blissful.

Bliss can come into our everyday reality and daydreams – especially if you are trapped at work and need to escape!  Right now I am in my state of blissful reality: my home, surrounded by water and mountains.  I sit at my desk, looking out of my window and my heart soars.  There are feelings of gratitude, humility, and awe.  I worked hard to get myself here and these few moments where I can relish this are essential for my soul.

And the daydream reality?  For me, that is an old bookshop that weaves and wends its way backwards, that has ancient and uneven stone floors and unexpected twists and turns and staircases.  I’ve been in this bookshop many times in years past, but today, to make it the perfect daydream – I am adding a librarian in the form of a dragon who can lift a small child to great heights in order to reach the knowledge he is seeking.

These moments can be fleeting in our busy, mundane, lives – and that makes them so very important.  They show us that we have already achieved great things, or that we have great things we can aim for.  They can show us where we find our centre point – that place of stillness and tranquillity. 

Blissful moments come and go throughout our day and we are often too busy to recognise them.  Make a point today, to take note of those times when you take a deep breath and simply BE in the moment. 

(Note:  Did you know that the ‘treasure’ that a dragon guards is not gold or jewels?  That is our modern interpretation.  It’s actually Knowledge.  That means that a dragon librarian is absolutely perfect!!!)


Animal Medicine #8

30+ years ago I lived in a very small village in England.  There was about 20 houses and 2 pig farms.  The pigs freely roamed through the village and were part of the community.  It was not unusual to drive into the village and have to stop and wait for a bunch of pigs to trot by on their way to their daily paddle in the sea.  My daughter grew up regularly visiting the pig farms and helping bottle feed where necessary.  I learned to understand how very intelligent Pig is – and judging by that paddling, that they are not at all ‘dirty’ animals when given a choice and opportunity.

I was not in the least bit surprised when I heard that we share 98% of our DNA with Pig.  They are intelligent, friendly and, I am told, easier to train than dogs!

Many societies revere Pig.  She is seen as a symbol of the Goddess; an Earth Mother figure representing fertility, abundance, prosperity, security, honesty, intelligence, and reason.

Other societies believe that Pig represents ignorance, laziness, and greed.  They are considered ‘unclean’ and also as preventing people from reaching Nirvana.

When the energy of Pig enters your life it can be to tell you be open and aware of the opportunities around you, especially in things that you are passionate about.  Sometimes we allow what we think others believe about us to stop us from going after our dreams.  Pig says don’t lose opportunities just because you are afraid of what someone else might think.  What is important is that you know that you are worthy of following your dreams, and to work at gaining the knowledge you need to give it a really good go!


Animal Power #7

Close your eyes.  Think of Dragon.

What do you feel?  What do you see?

For me, Dragon will always represent guidance towards knowledge and wisdom.  Why?  Because it was Dragon who took me on my first journey to discover who I am – a journey that led me to the stars, to my Master Guide, and to recognition of my ancient Self. 

Most people, especially in western cultures, will think of Dragon as a fire-breathing giant creature who lives in a cave, guarding a massive pile of gold and other treasures.  We think of Smaug in Lord of the Rings, or St. George slaying the dragon.  This slaying of the dragon carries many meanings such as overcoming your personal “dragon” of addiction or anger, or the fire or ice of fear.  It can represent the inner struggle we humans have to understand spiritual matters, but for me the story that rings with most truth is that it is a metaphor for the slaying of the Sacred Feminine. 

Dragon travels through multi-dimensional realms and therefore cannot be seen by those who are not embracing the Dragon energies of study, seeking knowledge and understanding, and the expansion of our perspective of reality. 

Dragon represents many ‘treasures’ and I am not talking about gold or precious gems.  I am talking about knowledge, wisdom, honour, responsibility, and clarity of purpose.  Dragon Energy can help you to learn how to find your strengths and how to stand in your own power.  But be warned, much as Dragon is of the essence of creation, if ego is brought into play with Dragon Energy, destruction is likely to be the result.

Yes, Creation and Destruction are two sides of the same coin, and Dragon epitomises both. 

Did you see Dragon as a mythical, terrifying, fire breathing creature? 

Or multi-dimensional Guardian of Knowledge and the Sacred Mysteries?

Or both?

Rejuvenating Rain

Journey #13

Following Journeys #11 and #12, its actually no great surprise to see information coming through about rain.  It’s what we need to germinate the seeds we have planted on our path.  But on any journey, there comes a point where we have to wash off the dust of the road.  Freshen up, rest, and rejuvenate our energy before travelling forward again.

We need to take a good deep look at the weights we have been carrying too.  These are the true things that hold us back on the journey to wherever we are heading.  They are the bricks in our backpack that will totally squash the planted seeds – if we allow them, but it is not always easy to take these bricks out and really look at them.  It can be even harder to leave them behind. 

Sometimes we don’t need to leave those bricks behind though.  They are the history of our journey through life and often need to be respected for the wealth of knowledge and experience they have brought to us.  Sometimes, all we need to do is leave them in the rain for a little while, allow the hard parts to melt away, and see if there are hidden gems within. 

Treat those memory ‘bricks’ with love for they are the experiences upon which you can shape the road ahead of you.  Especially if you find those hidden gems, for they are the Wisdom you have gained on the road of life.


What amazing creatures are bats.  I’ve spent many a night gazing up at the dusk or dawn skies watching millions of bats flying overhead in what appears to be almost total silence other than the sound of wind on wings.

From the smallest Pipistrelle I watched in England to the amazing Flying Foxes of Queensland, the bat has been a creature of fascination for me.

Bats live in darkness and so we have often attributed them as representatives of the underworld – of harbingers of death, but in reality they are symbols of transformation, birth, and re-birth.  They represent change in the ending of something and the start of something new.  If you are in a time of change, then calling upon Bat energy could be very helpful.

Bats are amazing masters of navigation and communication.  They fly through darkness, which is symbolic of a journey through a time in life where your way forward is unknown.  Bat walks between worlds and that means recognising that you do possess the courage to face the hard times in your life.

Be aware of the Energies that surround you and trust your senses.  You possess all the tools and the knowledge to get through the harder times in your life.  

You can trust your Self.

Loving Thoughts

Journey #7

“Serendipity.” Isn’t that a wonderful word?   

Just prior to settling down to writing this Journey I had been thinking of a number of people in my life, and I decided to draw for myself an Oracle card as a way to get focus about today’s writing.  That card was titled “Thinking of You.”

Thinking of the people in my life that I am not constantly interacting with, doesn’t happen too often.  It’s one of the effects of having SDAM (Severely Deficient Autobiographical Memory).  When people, places, or memories are not right in front of me, they just don’t exist, which can, to those others, make the person with SDAM seem as if they are uncaring.  Nothing is further than the truth, we care deeply – once we remember. 

When we do remember, it is like a lightbulb going on.  It’s beautiful. It’s like the sun shining through a break in the clouds.   All that hidden caring comes up to the surface, and if we are lucky we can remember certain times.  Of course, that gets even tricker for those folk who also have aphantasia or prosopagnosia – we don’t have pictures in our minds to remind us of you.

What the serendipity of the appearance of this particular oracle card brings for me on the Journey, is to ask that you sit down and think of those you know and love – and those you have known and loved.  Think of the wonderful times you shared, the love and the laughter and if you are so inclined – why not reach out and say hello.  Just because. 

Bring some sunshine into your life and into someone else’s.